You should always pay attention to all facets of your home. Whether you are planning to sell it or not, there are things you should never do in your front yard. These mistakes will not only cost you dearly when it comes to time, effort and money, but also when it comes to improving your home’s curb appeal.
Below are several mistakes you should always avoid:
Overcrowding the landscape.
In everything, even in beautifying your front yard, less is always more. Make sure that your plants have space to breathe and grow. If you place them too near to each other, they will become weak and will be more prone to pest infestation. If you want to bring in some lawn ornaments, make sure that each piece fits the landscape design you were going for.
Forgetting about your yard’s maintenance.
Even if you have a yard that comes with low-effort landscaping, it will still need maintenance and time. Make it look great always with regular weeding and watering. Installing an inground sprinkler system can automate the hydration of your plants.
You can also schedule the pruning of your shrubs and trees around three to four times a year. Branches damaged after heavy winds or rains should also be cut away immediately after.
Choosing the wrong kind of plants.
Always plan out your purchases for your garden beforehand, even when it comes to plants. Make sure that they’re ideal for your garden beds. Check the amount of water, sun and shade needed to keep your plants thriving. If you plan on buying trees and shrubs, make sure you know how large they will be when fully grown so you will know whether it has a home in your yard or not.
Going too short in cutting the grass.
Your lawn is not a golf course so there is no need to cut the grass too short. Do not cut more than one-third of its top or it can leave brown or bare patches in your yard. A healthy blade height will make for a green and lush lawn.
Not turning on the lights.
Your front yard should look as good at night as it does in daytime. Create a beautiful lighting scheme that will give off a pleasant warmth and glow to your lawn. If you will opt for those inexpensive solar lanterns, you won’t have to change a lightbulb in your yard ever again.
Saving the bad trees.
Although trees can make your property look awesome and will add to its value, you should not keep or save one that is already damaged or sick. Holding on to a decaying tree can jeopardise your power lines, roof and other plants. It will also drastically affect your home’s curb appeal. If you cannot determine the health of a problem tree, get an arborist so you will know if you really need to remove it or not.
Not paying attention to the seasons.
Don’t just plan out the aesthetics of your front yard based on spring and summer. You can also plant mums and burning bushes to still have a beautiful yard during autumn. Also, ornamental grasses, yews and boxwood will provide a visual treat for when winter comes in.
Your front yard is one of the first things people will notice about your home. It is just right that you pay attention to it and avoid making the common mistakes other people make that are mentioned above.