White, beige and taupe will always be neutrals you can trust for your home’s interiors and even exteriors. Recently though, there has been a range of unexpected shades that are considered as the new neutrals for your walls. The great thing about these new shades is that they may not go out of style for a while.
These colours can provide not just a low-key backdrop to your rooms, but also a hint of style. Check them out below:
The Finest Silver
Go for that shade of grey that is very light that it comes with just a gleam of silver. This provides a hushed yet classic backdrop for the colourful rugs and upholstered furnishings you may want in your living room.
A Pale Reddish-Brown
Think of the desert, adobe walls and mud brick with this one. This shade of pale reddish brown has been used in a lot of homes in the southwestern part of America but can be applied to any home around the globe.
A Hint of Pink
This new neutral is not just flattering to the artwork you are planning to hang in your living room, but also to your skin tones. Find the hue that resembles the glowing pink you’d find on the inside of a seashell.
A Feel of the Ocean and the Sky
Introduce the feeling of the sky and the open to your home with a hint of azure. This calming colour is perfect with whites or bright hues.
The Freshness of the Garden
A cool, pale green is a new neutral you can add on to your home if you want it to have the perennial feeling of spring. A gentle choice for bedrooms, this will create the feeling of grass or leaves.
A Darker Shade of Violet
Although dark in shade, think of this as that peaceful looking field of English heather during a misty day. This will work as a beautiful backdrop for fabrics and paintings.
The Elegance of Grey
Although grey has been a neutral colour since like forever, this shade is more charcoal than anything else. Hovering between black and white, this colour is expected to become both a trend and a timeless neutral for your home’s interiors.
The Warmth of Straw
This upgrade from the usual beige, while still a neutral, can provide a dose of liveliness to your room. Evoking the feeling of newly baked bread and eternal sunshine, this soft gold hue is something you might want to try out if you are in for spending some blissful times in your home.
The Softness of Moss
You don’t have to be outside to enjoy nature. You can bring it indoors by painting your walls with a muted shade of olive green with just a touch of grey. It is welcoming enough to be the colour of your entryway and relaxing enough for your bedroom.
While you may want to be trendy when it comes to the colours of your interiors, keep in mind that sticking to neutrals ensure a timeless beauty to your home. No matter what colour may be in for the year or the season, your home will always provide a perfect backdrop to the decors you may want to use.